[Ebook.vLno] Zen Doodling (Idiot Guides)
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. [Ebook.vLno] Zen Doodling (Idiot Guides), this is a great books that I think.
Doodling has been seen as a mindless pursuit-until now. People are discovering the hidden discipline, order, and joy behind artful scribbles. Idiot's Guide: Zen Doodling gives readers all they need to get started or to continue the practice of using ordered, repeated "tangle" designs to create composite doodles that are great creative expression as well as works of art unto themselves.In this book readers get:-- Materials and methods for getting started with meditative patterned drawing.-- Basic art instruction for creating patterns and forms that achieve beauty through unity and balance.-- Artistic insight into using different papers, pens, pencils, markers, and paints to take tangles to the next level.-- Step-by-step instructions for drawing more than 20 doodle forms and filling them with tangle patterns, with each new stroke highlighted by color.-- Dozens of new step-by-step tangles to try, with a foundation for creating others based on the same artistic and natural concepts.-- A swatchbook of 50 more tangles and textures to use in your own doodles.-- Inspirational finished doodles and ideas for jumpstarting artistic creativity. -
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